Dr. Robert Dobre

Lecturer and researcher at Politehnica University of Bucharest

Main interests:

  • Image processing
  • Signal processing
  • Visible Light Communications
  • Machine learning/Deep learning
  • Mobile apps
  • Embedded systems


Research results

  • Research grants (selection) - UEFISCDI Brainmap profile
    • Research projects to stimulate young researchers from ARUT universities (GNaC ARUT) - Multimedia system for improving safety in road traffic - Project manager.
    • Mobility projects for researchers - UEFISCDI PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2020-0042 - Project manager.
    • Multimodal system based on semantic content for advertising insertion in online video streams - UEFISCDI PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-0393.
    • System for localization and navigation inside buildings based on visible light communications (VLC) - UEFISCDI PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4395.
    • Automatic active digital image authentication system for PC and mobile terminals - UEFISCDI PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1465.
  • Journal and conference papers (selection) - Google Scholar profile
    • R.-A. Dobre, R.-O. Preda, and R.-A. Badea, ‘Robust OCC System Optimized for Low-Frame-Rate Receivers’, Sensors, vol. 22, no. 16, Art. no. 16, Aug. 2022, DOI: 10.3390/s22165938 -  ISI Q1 .
    • R.-A. Dobre, R.-O. Preda, and M. Vlădescu, ‘Sonic Watermarking Method for Ensuring the Integrity of Audio Recordings’, Applied Sciences, vol. 10, no. 10, Art. no. 10, Jan. 2020, DOI: 10.3390/app10103367 -  ISI Q2 *Award of research results - Articles, Competition 2020*
    • R.-A. Dobre, R. O. Preda, and A. E. Marcu, ‘TIC-TAC Based Live Acoustic Watermarking With Improved Forgery Detection Performances’, in 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Oct. 2019, pp. 408–412. doi: 10.1109/SIITME47687.2019.8990876. *Excellent poster award for senior scientist*
    • R.-A. Dobre, R. O. Preda, and A. E. Marcu, ‘Improved Active Method for Image Forgery Detection and Localization on Mobile Devices’, in 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging​ (SIITME), Oct. 2018, pp. 255–260. doi: 10.1109/SIITME.2018.8599235. *VINMES Award for young scientist*
    • R.-A. Dobre, C. Negrescu, and D. Stanomir, ‘Improved low computational method for siren detection’, in 2017 IEEE 23rd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Oct. 2017, pp. 318–323. doi: 10.1109/SIITME.2017.8259916. *Excellent poster award for young scientist*
    • R.-A. Dobre, R. O. Preda, I. Pirnog, C. Oprea, ‘Active Image Authentication and Forgery Localization for Mobile Devices’, 2017 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference (SGEM), Jul. 2017, Albena (BG). *SGEM 2017 Award*
    • R.-A. Dobre, R. M. Udrea, C. Negrescu, D. Stanomir, ‘The Impact of the Acoustic Environment on Recovering Speech Signals Drowned in Loud Music’, ICN 2017, Apr. 2017, Venice (IT), pp. 103. *IARIA Best paper award*
    • R.-A. Dobre, V. A. Niţă, A. Ciobanu, C. Negrescu, and D. Stanomir, ‘Low computational method for siren detection’, in 2015 IEEE 21st International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Oct. 2015, pp. 291–295. doi: 10.1109/SIITME.2015.7342342. *Excellent paper award for young scientist - Poster presentation*

Work experience

Lecturer / Researcher Politehnica University of Bucharest

March 2020 - up to now

  • Managing research projects
  • Bringing research results to market
  • Publishing research results
  • Integrating research results in courses
  • Developing new class materials
  • Managing students

Research Engineer for Communications Beia Consult International

December 2017 - November 2018

Research projects selection:

  • Hybrid VLC/IR-RF communication for smart space based on multi-functional thermal image sensor module - UEFISCDI PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2017-02-0020
  • Virtualized video services (virtuose) - UEFISCDI PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2017-02-0023
  • Wearable IOT network solution for work safety in hazardous industrial environments - UEFISCDI PN-IIIP3- 3.5-EUK-2017-02-0038

Assistant Professor Politehnica University of Bucharest

November 2014 - November 2019

  • Upgraded the Signals and Systems laboratory equipment (3 laboratory platforms)
  • Proposed a new laboratory activity for Signals and Systems (FM radio transmission, reception and spectral analysis)
  • Upgraded the Signals and Systems laboratory documents
  • Created Signals and Systems laboratory documents for English speaking students
  • Published two class materials:
    • R. A. Dobre, A. E. Marcu, Culegere de probleme. Instrumentație electronică de măsură. Ed. Politehnica Press București, 2019, ISBN 978-606-515-871-9, 159 pg.
    • A. Drumea, R. A. Dobre, Programarea in limbajul C a sistemelor embedded cu microcontroler. Îndrumar de laborator. Ed. Cavallioti București, 2014, ISBN: 606-13-1973-1, 100 pg.

Research Assistant UPB CETTI

January 2013 - October 2014

Research projects selection:

  • Family of tactical riflescopes with high zoom factor - UEFISCDI PN-II-IN-DPST-2012-1-0063
  • Automated interactive system for optimizing inputs of water, nutrients and pesticides to increase technical and economic competitiveness of small and medium sized vegetable farms - UEFISCDI PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899


Politehnica University of Bucharest

Postdoctoral research - Securing audio signals and digital images using the blockchain technology

2019 - 2021

Doctoral studies - Preprocessing and editing of multimedia signals for forensics - Magna cum laude

2014 - 2019

Master's degree - Multimedia technologies for the production of content for audiovisual and telecommunications

2012 - 2014

Bachelor's degree - Technologies and systems for communications

2008 - 2012